Making of Elbe in Concert: A look behind the scenes

With Elbe in Concert, together with the City of Hamburg, we were able to create an unprecedented spectacle at the Hamburg Harbour Birthday. With this Behind the Scenes film, we show you and all those interested the story behind the event.

When a gigantic pontoon like the GREENBARGE 4 becomes an overwhelming stage, when four iconic musical acts share the line-up, when 360m² of screen and several kilometres of cable are procured, then this is not only the stuff of a spectacular event, but also a great deal of organisational effort.

With Elbe in Concert, we were able to add a new highlight to the harbour birthday and also place ourselves as the FAIRPLAY TOWAGE Group in front of an enthusiastic audience of millions.

Now we would like to give you and all those interested an impression of what was behind this gigantic project:

  • How were the various sections able to work together?
  • Which sponsors supported us?
  • And how did the organisation of Elbe in Concert and our new container proceed?

The video also includes a little musical ‘best of’ from the evening for you to listen to again and again.

Enjoy the Making Of video:


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