Tender of a construction and delivery contract for the “FairHydro” harbour escort tugs

Fairplay Schleppdampfschiffs-Reederei Richard Borchard GmbH (short: Fairplay) is planning to award a contract for the construction and turnkey delivery of up to six harbour escort tugs equipped with an innovative dual-fuel engine based on hydrogen and marine diesel as well as exhaust gas aftertreatment for an almost emission-free operation in German North Sea and Baltic Sea ports.

Short description

Fairplay Schleppdampfschiffs-Reederei Richard Borchard GmbH is part of the Fairplay Towage Group and a leading European tug operator headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. With their towing and mooring services, they serve around 30 European ports. Its fleet of 105 tugs also provides salvage, coastal protection, and accident response services for national and European deep-sea as well as coastal shipping.

The tugboat operator Fairplay and hereunder in the role of the buyer and contracting authority is planning to procure two (plus two plus two; at the discretion of the buyer) newly constructed harbour escort tugs equipped with dual-fuel engines.

The first tug is expected to be delivered by April 2027 at the latest. All further tugs are to be completed and handed over – in accordance with the option to be declared by the buyer – in subsequent two-month intervals at the latest.

The buyer expects the tugs to be delivered alongside

Lohmannstraße 88
D-27568 Bremerhaven

The contract is awarded in the form of a negotiated award without competition. The buyer requests the submission of binding initial bids before entering into negotiations with selected bidders. Fairplay as buyer is aiming for the following schedule in the procedure:

05/06/2024                                Invitation for participation in the tender procedure
29/07/2024 2pm (UTC+2)      Deadline for the submission of initial tenders
12/08 – 23/08/2024                Potential dates for negotiations
17/09/2024                              Announcement of the results
01/10/2024                              Signing of shipyard contract
31/01/2025                              Binding period of the offer

Part of the funding is covered by federal funds to realise the project as part of the Directive on the promotion of sustainable modernisation of coastal vessels. The components and work subsidised hereunder are listed below and must be demonstrably procured by the bidder from EU Member States. The shipbuilding itself may also take place outside the EU.

For the award of contracts, Fairplay therefore refers to and is guided by the ANBestP (as of June 2019) and thus also by the Rules of Procedure for the award of public supply and service contracts below the EU thresholds (Regulation on sub-threshold procurement – UVgO, issue August 2017) and the Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB).


Conditions of the negotiated award without competition

If you are interested in participating in the tender procedure, please confirm same by sending your full contact details, to the following address:


You will also receive the detailed conditions with after submission.


Questions on the project/documents

Enquiries, queries, or comments regarding the tender procedure must be and can only be submitted in writing by 22/07/2024. Please send these to:


The questions and answers will then be provided by email to all participants.

Further communication regarding the tender documents and offers will also be made in writing, both by post and electronically. Verbal communication will only take place if it can be sufficiently documented. This will be evaluated and decided by the buyer.