🎥 New Video: A Glimpse into the Training as a Ship Mechanic

For all of us at FAIRPLAY, life in the maritime world is second nature – but how do we show this exciting career to the next generation? The new video from the #PORTjobs series offers a fresh perspective for anyone curious about working on and around the water.

Pauline, a Ship Mechanic in training at FAIRPLAY, shares how her work combines technical expertise, hands-on challenges, and a passion for the maritime world. This video is a fantastic opportunity to inspire the next generation and give interested viewers a closer look at what makes our industry so special.

A big thank you to #PORTjobs and Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V. for showing our career opportunities with this video and promoting maritime careers!

📽️ Check it out and feel free to share it with anyone who might be inspired by the exciting world of ports and ships!


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